Monday, October 5, 2009

Countdown to Chloe's EDD --- 9 Days to go

I TOTALLY asked for it. Over a week ago, I embarked on 'Project Facebook' where I 'hidden' some of my friends who have either just given birth or who will be giving birth in this month or the next from my newsfeed. I was feeling a bit restless and then I did the unthinkable (though I don't know what made me do it.. it was pure stupidity on my part).

I went to 'check out' those friends and here's their status:

  • The colleague whom I have mentioned here, who's baby girl is due at almost exactly the same time Chloe was, had delivered her baby just 3 days ago.
  • The friend, whose baby girl is due in November, just announced on Facebook that she would probably pop by the end of October as her baby had already engaged.
  • The friend who's wife had just given birth to a baby boy had brought his baby home and enjoying his time being a dad.

As for me, I am still here wondering what had happened to my Chloe. Wondering what she and Lucas did to deserve this. Wondering how can lightning strike the same place (or person) twice. Wondering if/ when I can ever be reunited with my babies. Wondering whether I'd ever be a mom to a healthy baby, in addition to the 2 angels that I already have.

Answers anyone??

Last night Mark and I went to bed talking and thinking about Chloe and Hershey was trying to squeeze her fat little bum between us. I told Mark that instead of having Hershey sleeping between us, it should have been a baby, two in fact.

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