Saturday, September 28, 2013

Den-den's new favorite playtime is in the Jumperoo, the one which Mark got for little bun when he turned 6 months. I am very happy that we got more use out of it!!

Little bun in the newly-purchased Jumperoo 18 months ago

Little bun #2 chilling out in the Jumperoo!
(The baby Cookie Monster toy is a new addition which I bought during our trip to Melbourne)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Bali Trip - 2013

We are going for another vacation soon, leaving on 29 Sep!! This time we are off to the lovely resort island of Bali. This trip was planned a long time ago, shortly after little bun #2 was born. We will be travelling together with our neighbor from upstairs who has a daughter the same age as little bun. We have grown very close cos we are the same age group and have kids around the same age too (they are expecting their #2 in Jan 2014). Hopefully the kiddos will have fun in each other's company. 

Once again like with the Melbourne trip, we have booked ourselves at a very new hotel (Sheraton). I have read online varied feedback about the property which has made me rather apprehensive. Fingers crossed that it'd exceed my expectations like the service apartment that we stayed at in Melbourne. 

This should be a fun trip.. not planning on doing anything much expect to chill and relax by the pool/ beach. There's a mall attached to the hotel too so it'd be easy for us to have access to a variety of food outlets. 

After this trip, no more 'infant fare' for little bun!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Brothers banded together as friends,
Ready to face whatever life sends.
Joy and laughter, or tears and strife,
Holding hands tightly as we face the world and dance through life

I have a simple wish. I hope my boys will continue to want to hold hands as they grow up together.. And as they walk through life, I hope they will always be each other's best friend and confidante. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

He really enjoys his food.. I was giving him some mashed bananas and he loved it so much he actually yelled/cried when he saw me walking away with the empty bowl. 

"I say gimme that bowl, mom!!"

"No food, so my toes will have to suffice for now.."

Sunday, September 22, 2013

My 2 older boys (aka Mark and little bun) slipped out to the poolside on Sunday morning for some quality father and son bonding time. It allowed little bun #2 and I to sleep in for a wee bit longer as little bun can make quite a ruckus at home when he is playing.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mid Autumn Festival 2013

We celebrated Mid Autumn Festival on Thursday and Mark came home early so that we had time to bring the boys out for a walk around the compound, with their lanterns of course! We did the same for little bun last year but unfortunately, he was too young to enjoy so he ended up brawling most of the time, so our leisurely stroll ended up being a brisk walk.

He fared better this year (thankfully) and finally looked like he was enjoying himself. What a big difference a year makes..

Little bun #2 was messing with the mooncake under the watchful eye of his big brother. We took both boys out with the 2 lanterns but I don't think den-den had any clue what was happening. He did seem to be intrigued by the flashing lights of the lanterns. Hmmm.. this time next year and he will probably be able to enjoy it more. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Little bun #3???

Realized that I have a photo of them in very similar pose when both were around 6 months old. When I first showed little bun's Godmother the photo of him chewing on his left toes (first photo), her first comment was "He is going to be a big brother and he will have a little brother next". At that time, having another child is the furthest thing from my mind cos I didn't think I can ever fall pregnant naturally, plus I wasn't planning to. So I pooh-poohed at her comment and we laughed it off. 

Lo and behold, 3 months after the photo was taken, I discovered that I was pregnant. Yes, with a boy.  

Few weeks back, I took this photo of a nearly 6 month old little bun #2 chewing on his right toes and I sent the photo to little bun's Godmother again. This time, she said "Ahhh... it's going to be a girl next".

What I learnt from little bun's Godmother is there is this old wives tale that if the baby is chewing on his left toes, he/she will have a little brother, and if it's the right toes the baby is chewing on, then it'd mean a little sister. Seriously don't know if it's purely coincidental, but I am sure after Mark reads this, he will be taking due precautions. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Little Bun is 23 Months Old!!

My dearest champ,

OMG.. you are 23 months old!! 

In another month's time, you will be **gulp** 2 years old!! It has been sheer joy watching you grow from a tiny infant to the toddler you are today. You have brought SO MUCH joy to our lives and we LOVE watching you grow. You are now picking up new words so quickly (yes, including swear words, courtesy of your parents) so we really have to be very careful of what we say in your presence!! The latest words you have picked up (besides the swear words) are - Ayden, chocolate, biscuit, moon, star, hello, open, take out, yoghurt, raisin, I love you, good night, see you, yes please, I want....

I really enjoy and look forward to our sing along sessions in the car every morning, and also how you wriggle your fingers when you want to be carried. You make my world a better place simply by being in it. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Little bun was in one of his cheery moods and was singing throughout the breakfast... Mark and I love to hear him sing. (He's not really singing if I have to be honest, he only catches the last word in each sentence and hums along to the other parts. Example: "Let us say hello".. and he will only parrot the 'hello' really loudly..)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Happen to catch him in the process of a hearty yawn!! Just love his expressions.. (Elmo looks rather thrilled too).

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Took little bun #2 for his first 'swim' over the weekend cos Mark and I both decided after our trip to Melbourne that we should spend more time with the boys doing activities rather than mall-hopping. Our original plan to go to the Bird Park got shelved because it was raining. Will park that for another day when the weather is clear.

Someone looks unimpressed when I first lowered him into the water (admittedly, the water was rather cold, possibly due to the rain earlier in the day).

Little bun enjoyed himself by splashing around with daddy, but he did make time to teach his little brother how to splash water!


Friday, September 13, 2013

Little Bun #2 is 6 Months Old!!

Deareat Ayden,

Happy 6 months to the most cheerful baby ever! You make waking up in the morning something I look forward to cos every single morning without fail, I get rewarded by your cheery grin. Just like your daddy, you are clearly a early bird cos you wake up all bright eyed and bushy tailed (very unlike mommy and your big brother). 

In the last 2 weeks have been very eventful for you. You can now sit upright for short periods without support (before losing your balance and toppling sideways), and you are making quick progress on crawling!! You are also a keen observer of your surroundings. We have started you on solid food and you welcome it with a wide open mouth, especially bananas!! Looking forward to preparing and exploring different types of food with you.

Happy 6 months, little boy.. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Melbourne 2013 - Day 9

We woke up bright and early cos we wanted to make full use of whatever time we have left in Melbourne. We had originally intended to go to Victoria Market for some last minute shopping, but little bun had other plans. When we walked pass the playground that we took him to a couple of days back, he pointed to it and looked at us with beseeching eyes while mumbling 'Go'. His ever so dutiful parents promptly gave into his request and off to the playground we went. 

I don't who where he learnt all his cheeky expressions from!! I am always ever so prim and proper, so I can only guess it is from Mark..


Little bun: "Daddy, I don't want to get out!!"

Eventually we succeed on leaving the playground (fortunately no tantrums) and went for an early lunch with a friend whom I have not met for more than 10 years and her partner. Mr Energizer Bun-nie fell asleep along the way.

After lunch, it was back to the apartment to pack up and check-out **sob sob**. Not too long ago, I was busily and happily unpacking those bags when we arrived.. Doing the reverse made me sad, but at the same time, I was missing Ayden real badly and was looking forward to holding him in my arms.

Little bun 'helping' to make sure we have all our bags

Goodbye, Melbourne!
We will be back hopefully the same time next year along with Ayden!

Someone dozed off before the flight taxied out of the gate!!

Overall a fantastic vacation.. we had quality family time without worrying about work, housework and other mundane day to day things. It is also long-awaited trip back to our favorite city for Mark and I. We went there as wide-eyed teenagers, left as fresh graduates ready to take on the world and now back as parents to 2 amazing boys. Life feels complete. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Melbourne 2013 - Day 8

Crap.. can't believe it is already our last full day in Melbourne. All 3 of us had so much fun and enjoyed ourselves so much that time just flown by without us realizing our vacation is coming to an end. One thing is for sure.. we made use of every single minute we have very wisely, and we also errrr.... made full use of our tummies and crammed in as much food as we could during our time there. 

Little bun: "Hey mama.. can you see me??"

Walked past this rather plain and bare looking shrub on our way out and I could hear lots of birds chirping. Upon closer inspection, there are heaps of tiny birds camouflaged in the branches chirping at the top of their tiny lungs!! In just a few more weeks, this plain shrub would be flowering and I am sure it'd be a sight to behold. Wish I can be there to see it in all its flowering glory... 

The giant purse along Bourke Street where I had a similar photo of myself when I first arrived in Melbourne. Pretty sure I have sent the photo of myself in a similar pose to little bun's home to my parents

Milestone for little bun.. His first sip of beer at a cafe on our way to DFO!

He didn't look impressed, BUT he did ask for a second sip!

 Walking along the Crown Promenade on our way back to the apartment

Love this photo.. something about it appeals to me (besides the fact that I am the photographer)

Beautiful night scenery.. like a shining jewel!

To top off a marvelous vacation in Melbourne, we were treated to a beautiful display of fireworks from our balcony before joining our friends for dinner. The fireworks from the nearby Docklands went on for a good 10-15 minutes, and all 3 of us were ohh-ing and ahh-ing each time a little ball of colors explodes before our eyes! This is the icing on the cake!!