Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sleeping Buns

There is nothing more gratifying and heart-warming as watching our little ones sleeping peacefully, lost in their own little world of dreams, no cares, no worries, safe and secure in the cocoon of our love...

They are my pride and joy.. and more importantly, they are MY children.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My freshly laundered baby!! Nothing smells better than a baby who has just had a bath!! **sniff sniff**...

My little boy is thriving and feeding like a champion (which makes me one very tired mommy, but hey, whose complaining?). He gave us a little scare with an episode of jaundice earlier on where we had to leave him overnight in the hospital for photo therapy session to get ride of the jaundice. Thankfully, he's over it now and the levels have dropped enough for the doctor to allow us to bring him home. 

Friday, March 22, 2013


Some of the memories of my recent pregnancy... Totally hard to believe that the baby who first appeared as a 'positive' on the home pregnancy test kit and then subsequently whom I saw weekly on the ultra sound scans is now snuggling contentedly in my arms.

Little bun resting against my burgeoning belly... little did he know that his new playmate is just mere inches away from him!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yet another guy has stolen my heart... Don't know how it works but when little bun first came onto my life in 2011, I had thought that I have already used up all the love I have inside of me. Somehow, when I first laid eyes on little bun #2 and when they first laid him in my arms 2 weeks ago, my heart just expanded to accommodate yet another little man. 

Feeling so fulfilled and bursting with love for my two boys (and their daddy as well.. not forgetting my 2 Angels too..).

Monday, March 18, 2013

Little Bun is 17 Months Old!!

Little bun turns 17 months old... And our 'present for him is a brand new little brother! (Ok, I'm not sure if he likes this 'present' yet cos he seems to be rather wary of him..) 

This is one of the last pics we took as a 'Family of 3'.. Less than a week after this photo was taken, we became a "Family of 4'!! Mommy loves you so very dearly, my sweetest little bun.. xoxo

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A side by side of my 2 buns taken when they were only a few hours old!! Little bun (Kyran) on the left and little bun #2 (Ayden) on the right... We have received mixed reviews so far, some said they look alike and some said that they look totally different from each other. 

For me, I think they don't really look alike but then again, it is still too early to tell. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

This little boy LOVES playing with/in water.. Decided to let him sit in the new bath tub that we bought for little bun #2's and he had a lot of fun splashing around. It was all good until the water turned cold and we decided to take him out. He didn't want to come out and we had to forcefully haul him out!! Much to his displeasure.. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Announcing the Arrival of Little Bun #2!!

Little bun #2 made his grand entrance at exactly 38 weeks of gestation.. While we were already expecting him any time, the suddenness and how quickly it happened caught me by surprise. 
On the morning of 13 March, I went for my schedule appointment at 10.45 am to see Dr Anu. She did some checks and below is the conversation we had: 

Dr Anu: Oh! You are 4cm dilated and having contractions every 20 minutes!
Me: Wow... really??!
Dr Anu: Aren't you feeling t he contractions?
Me: Nope. Not at all.
Dr Anu: Any pain?
Me: Ehhh... none too.
Dr Anu: Right... I think baby is coming today. We better admit you now. This baby is bigger than Kyran and could come really fast!
Me: ....... **gasp**

(*From memory, when I was in labour with little bun, I was already in considerable pain when I was 4 cm dilated and begging for them to give me the epidural.. it's weird that this time round, I didn't feel ANY pain at all.. oh well.)

I made a quick call to Mark and he told me he was coming home AFTER he's had his lunch (this man's priorities is skewed, I tell you). I made a quick trip home to ummm.. shower  (this is VERY important to me as you can see) and pack my things while I waited for Mark to come home to pick me.

By 2 pm, we were back at the hospital and checked in immediately to the Delivery Suite (ahhh.. this place holds many fond memories for me as I had spent 3 whole weeks there when I was pregnant with little bun). 

Happily posing for photos when I was around 5 cm dilated (still no pain!!) and waiting to be checked out by the mid wife and anaesthetist. 

At 6 cm dilation, I had my epidural in (still wasn't feeling any pain then.. wooohooo!!). Once the epidural was in, it slowed down the whole labour process considerably and Mark and I were thinking that little bun #2 may only arrive the following day at the rate things were progressing. I only started feeling some pain 2 hours later, and they were not contraction pains. I had this annoying but throbbing pain between my shoulder blades that was bothering me and I tried changing positions to alleviate the pain but to no avail. Hmmm.. when people are in labour, I think they are supposed to feel contraction pains rather than shoulder aches. 

Oh before I forget, I had this side effect from the epidural as I did the previous time. I vomited like crazy and once again, sweet ol' Mark held on to the teeny-weeny puke dish while I emptied my stomach. NOT a glamorous sight, I am sure.

After 10 pm, I felt this pressure and an urge to push.. it was then that I started feeling the contractions. They came with a vengeance and oh boy... I cannot imagine how it'd have felt like without the epidural! Dr Anu arrived just before 11 pm and before midnight after a lot of pushing/hold your breath and count to 10/huffing and puffing, our 2nd little prince arrived with a flourish.   

He is much bigger than I expected.. close to 3.8kg and brawling his little lungs out. Dr Anu commented that he was very loud, and a real little screamer.. hehehe.. That was when I decided on his name.. we had a few short-listed but at that moment, little bun #2 picked his own name. We named him Ayden, which means 'fiery one/ little fire'. 

Welcome into our hearts and into our little family, little Ayden!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

This is how little bun likes to sleep... i.e. ALL OVER the bed. Just last night, he woke me up by landing his head directly ON my nose. It sure smarted like hell and I went from sound asleep to wide awake instantaneously. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Looks like little bun #2 is still baking away happily inside my tummy with no intention of making a grand entrance yet. Mark and I had expected that little bun #2 would have arrived in the past week, but nada.. nothing has happened - yet. 

My belly has been stretched to the biggest it has ever been and my belly button has popped until it cannot go any further. Should be any day now.. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

A totally spoiled bun... a toddler with THREE iPads/ iPad mini!!! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Starting him young.. hehehe... The nice bartender at the place where Mark likes to hang out on weekends recognized the father and son pair and offered little bun a complimentary glass of apple juice during their last visit there. Could almost pass it off as beer!! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The cervical stitch was successfully removed yesterday by Dr Anu and I am glad it is over. The removal process was PAINFUL but I am super glad there wasn't much contractions or bleeding thereafter. From now on, it is 'come what may'!! Exciting times ahead.. Dr Anu warned me again that for this pregnancy, the baby may come much earlier and I may not have time for epidural. Mmm..... 

Today Mark and I celebrate our 15th Year Anniversary. Cannot believe we have spent 15 long years as a couple and we have been bugging each other for THAT long. Miraculously we are STILL together and haven't driven each other up the wall - yet. 

Happy 15th Year Anniversary, Darling.. looking forward to more years where I can drive you up the wall!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I am scheduled to have the cervical stitch removed this coming Wednesday morning. This time round the stitch lasted a whole lot longer than it did the previous time. Previously I had it for around 6 weeks before my body began to react to the 'foreign' object whereas this time, it lasted a good 12 weeks!! Chances are that once Dr Anu removes the stitch on Wed, it'd trigger some contractions, which is an expected side effect of the removal. More importantly, little bun #2 may decide to made a grand entrance anytime after that. 

At this stage, I guess it is ok for little bun #2 to come. Dr Anu is very happy with how far along we have come but it'd be nice if little bun #2 stays inside me for a wee bit longer. (I have also started my maternity leave this week so it'd be nice if I can spend some quality time alone with little bun before the new arrival joins our family). 

I am a little scared of the stitch removal procedure.  From my memory, it was a lot worse than the procedure to put it in because it was done while you are fully conscious AND without any anaesthetic. Ewwwwww... ok come what may.. I have done it once before so I am sure I can do it again (I think??). 

Monday, March 4, 2013

  1. Ummm... Nice view out there mom!!
  2. I need to go out and take a closer look, ok?
  3. I think I see some birds out there... really!!
  4. Wooohoooo.. I am out!! 
  5. Heheheh.. **cheeky grin**
  6. Uh ohhhh.. ummm I am in trouble, aren't I?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Happy mommy and her precious bun!Wonder why a 16 month old has such a serious expression all the time.