Saturday, June 21, 2014

He went for a early morning stroll with daddy while I was still asleep with Den-den. Near the poolside, there are a few frangipani trees and whenever he walks past, he will look out for fallen flowers on the ground. When I am with him, he will pick them up and tell me 'give to daddy'. Since I wasn't with him this morning, he told daddy that he wanted to 'give to mommy'. So this morning, I woke up to 2 flowers given by my son. What a wonderful way to start the day!

This boy makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes, but he really does the sweetest things which melts my heart (and that's also why he gets away with murder).

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Little Bun is 32 Months Old!!

This cheeky little drama boy is 32 months old! In another 4 months, he will be 3 years old! Hard to believe, but yeah.. it's been almost 3 years since the day he came into our lives after a roller coaster ride of a pregnancy. Actually it is amazing how his character so similar to my pregnancy process with him - eventful and dramatic! Non-stop action!

I see so much of Mark and myself in him.. (just wondering where he got his dramatic flair from, certainly NOT from me). 

Love you heaps, my little champ!! You lit up my life the moment you came into the world, and now you continue to be my shining light every day of my life. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Little bun went on a school excursion AGAIN. This time to some farm. Frankly I have no idea what he/they did at the farm, perhaps helping to feed some farm animals. The teachers sent some photos and all I saw are geese and rabbits. 

Not too sure what exactly he/they did at the farm. Perhaps helping to feed some farm animals. His teachers sent me some photos and all I saw are some geese and rabbits, but the important thing is he seem to have enjoyed himself.

I am trying to make an effort to take him out for more outdoor activities (sometimes the heart is willing but the mind is not.. just think of the 34 degree celsius weather plus humidity out there and I break out in hives).

Friday, June 13, 2014

Little Bun #2 is 15 Months Old!!

Yet another month gone by.. my 'baby' is now 15 months old. Den-den now has 8 little teeth, still not much hair (oops!) and he is picking up new words almost daily. Some of the words he knows now are:-
Papa, mama, kor kor (big brother), ah ma (grandma), star, moon, yi-zard (lizard actually), iPad, XBox (those 2 are courtesy of Mark), car, bus, milk, dog, bird, ball, no... errr... the list goes on. 

He's got this little quirk that I don't recall I have ever blogged about. He still sleeps with me and when he is drifting of to lala-land, he loves to fondle my thumbs. Both sides. He will gently rub his fingers/ hands against my thumbs until he dozes off, and when he stirs in the middle of the night, all I need to do is present him my thumb/s and he will happily drift back to dreamland. However, my biggest dilemma now is very soon, he won't be able to sleep with me any longer, and I need to wean him off this habit. Breaks my heart, but it's got to be done. For now, I am still enjoying every night with him safely cuddled in the crook of my arm.

I always feel bad that we don't seem to pay as much attention to him as we did with little bun.. but maybe because our approach is more laid back with him, he's turned out to be more independent, easy-going and well-rounded than his kor kor (who is by far the more dramatic, needy and spoiled one). Their characters cannot be more any more different. Mark and I recently had this funny conversation inspired by a Hong Kong drama serial that I was watching. In a gist, we joked that if Mark were a Chinese emperor and had to choose a Crown Prince, we both know who he should NOT pick. Hehehe...

Happy 15th Month to our darling Den-den.. Love you so much for you simply being you. You are such a sweet and loving little boy.. always cheerful (even when you are running a high fever and clearly feeling uncomfortable) and happy-go-lucky. We strike the baby jackpot when you came into our lives. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Recently Den-den has taken a liking to his big brother's child seat (the one in dark brown) over his own (in cream), and insists on moving over to sit in it once little bun is being dropped off.

(Photos were taken while we were waiting for Mark to return to the car after he signs little bun in.) 

Monday, June 9, 2014

A bad daddy, a bad bad baaaad daddy took my son to a game arcade.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Den-den getting a ride from his god-sister! Both had a great time dashing around the compound of mark's family home in Malaysia. The boys usually enjoy the wide expanse of land to run free whenever we go back to visit, and getting spoiled by Mark's aunties as they dote on them and allow them to commit all kinds of 'crimes'. Normally I just try to close one eye and inhale deeply.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Starting them young in karoke.. not that I am any good at it. Little bun went as far as a few tentative 'hello, hellos' while Den-den was only interested in swinging the mic around like a weapon and looking mighty pleased with himself while he was at it.

The boys' father (whose name shall not be mentioned) subsequently wrestled the mic from them and had a jolly good time singing his heart out. No photos shall be posted to save him (and me) the embarrassment.