Saturday, October 17, 2009

'Ouch' goes my Hurting Heart

Yesterday as I was queuing to make payment in a shop, my attention was drawn to this tray of super cute marshmallow lollies on the cashier counter. There were 4 animals, a duckie, a froggie, a bear and I cannot recall what the last one was. They were so cute, colorful and nicely done that I couldn't resist picking one up to give it a closer look. The salesman told me it's a new arrival that just came in in the morning.

After making handing over the money for my purchase, the salesman asked me why didn't I get one of the marshmallow lollies. I gave serious thought to his question before replying 'I really do want to buy it but I don't have anyone to buy it for'. My own reply rang out loud and clear in my head, it was as if someone shouted it right into my ears. I felt a sudden wave of overwhelming sadness and hopelessness... I would have bought it for Lucas cos it'd be soft enough for a 10month old. I bet he'd love it.

I won't ever have the chance to buy my little boy sweets... I won't have the chance of experiencing Lucas throw a tantrum in the candy store when I refuse to buy him what he wants. All these and so much more... The pain of the heart is a million times worse than the pain of the body.

**Ouch God, this sure hurts like hell**.

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