Thursday, February 28, 2013

These 2 cannot wait for our hotpot dinner to start. I guess after this round, it will be a while before I can prepare another hotpot dinner cos once little bun #2 arrives, Mark and I will be tied up with the new addition plus little bun. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

When I was pregnant with little bun, my belly button didn't 'pop' even when I was at 37 weeks. With this pregnancy, it is apparent that little bun #2 will be a bigger baby than little bun cos my belly button has already 'popped' much earlier on!!! This has also been confirmed by Dr Anu. 

Frankly, the skin on my belly has stretched so much I don't know how much further it can go. Mark also gives me a pretty freaked out look whenever he sees my naked belly cos it is so big compared to when I was expecting Kyran! Hehehe... Thank goodness I don't have any stretch marks (yet) and many people have commented that my belly still looks very compact (mainly the people who have not seen me during my previous pregnancy.

Little bun #2 is a much more active baby than little bun was.. moves around A LOT at all times of the day.. I can actually see my tummy move vigorously sometimes when I am sitting down. Quite a fun sight and sensation although it freaks Mark out. With little bun, he was active mostly only in the evenings at at night.

Little bun has his first taste of tossing Yu Sheng and he loved the process of making a mess! 


Monday, February 25, 2013

Caught these 2 playing.. Okay okay, more like little bun disturbing poor Hershey!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

His Royal Crabbiness

Some bun was extremely crabby and irritable after not having enough sleep and it was a torture trying to soothe him cos we didn't know what he wanted and he was screaming and crying for a long time. He was a highly irritated bun and no amount of cajoling could appease him.

Just as Mark and I were at our wits end,  I suggested that perhaps we can full the bathtub and let him play in there.. hopefully it'll distract him from his crabbiness (and we can give him a quick bath at the same time.. killing 2 birds with 1 stone. I am smart, I tell you). It WORKED like magic!!

He went from being crabby one moment (Mark's son) to being a cheerful and playful toddler the next (MY son.. hehehe). 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Family Photos

When little bun turned one year old last October, I'd wanted to do a family photo shoot so that we'd have something memorable to mark the occasion. However, at that time I was still at an 'unstable' stage of this pregnancy, hence we decided to postpone it till later.. plus I didn't want to jinx things. I also thought it'd be nice to be photographed with a bulging belly when I am closer to full term, and then when little bun #2 turns one year old, we can do another photo shoot! 

(Looking back, I rather regret not doing a maternity photo shoot when I was expecting little bun... a la Demi Moore kinda photo!! Always thought that a woman's pregnant form is very sexy and what a sight to behold when a little baby is residing inside the tummy. But I don't think Mark will second my idea cos he is rather conservative.. unless I manage to find a female photographer.)

Here are some of my favourite photos from the session.. over 200 shots were taken and we were so lucky that little bun was in a very cheery mood that afternoon!! 

This photo of Mark and little bun ranks amongst my top 5 favourites.. something about the smiles on both their faces warm my heart!

No one prompted him to make his 'cheeky face'.. he did it on his own accord!! Glad the photographer caught it!

Now my biggest headache is to select which photo/s to enlarge.. Mark is definitely not helpful in this department.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Little Bun is 16 Months Old!!

One of my favourite recent pics of the father and son duo... Is it just my wishful thinking or is little bun looking less like daddy and more like mommy?? 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Little bun shoe shopping with his mommy... My son's got good taste, I say. :P

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Came across yet another Barney kiddie ride while we were out for Valentine's Day dinner... Little bun spotted it from aware even before Mark and I even noticed it. He started to point to it and said 'Barn-ee'... What choice do we have except to give in to his repeated 'Barn-ee' and let him ride on it? (I think Mark and I are going to be terrible parents cos we basically cave in to all little bun's requests!!)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day - 2013

Valentine's Day pressies from my boys.. feeling totally spoiled rotten once again! To be honest, even if I didn't receive any presents today (or any other days for that matter), I won't have any complaints because where I am today, I already feel like I am the most blessed and fortunate person.

Love you lots, my sweet husband... and love you (even more), my darling son!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Little bun ordering his own breakkie.. not! Or at least not for a while more. He is  mimicking us... for now he's still 'stuck' with cereal/ oats with mixed fruits that I prepare and bring from home. Mark and I found a new haunt at Dome Cafe Dempsey Hill that we go almost every weekend for our family breakfast. It's a nice, family friendly (read: screaming kids are a norm) environment with good food at a reasonable price. In fact, we had a breakkie date with our neighbours and their little girl, Faith, two weekends ago. Faith is 4 months older than little bun and they have had a few short play dates already. It was 'fun' having a meal and trying to hold a conversation with 2 toddlers in tow. 

We agreed to go for a hotpot dinner sometime soon.. it'd be very interesting to see how that turns out! Watch this space...

Monday, February 11, 2013

What can I say? The father is BAD influence on the son. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lunar Year of the Snake!!

Woke up really bright and early on the first day of the Lunar New Year cos we had to travel back to Mark's  place in Malaysia. I only slept past midnight the night before so it was a 'torture' to wake up at 6am. I had to make an effort to wake up early so that I can prepare porridge for little bun to ensure that he'd have something to eat later in the day since we will be out until the evening.

Little bun was rather annoyed that we woke him up before he was ready to (as you can see from the picture!!). Fortunately after the initial crabbiness, he was back to his normal self fairly quickly. 

This year we have a super long Lunar New Year holiday cos the first day falls on a Sunday it became a long 4 day annex holiday for us! Wooohoooo... looking forward to family time with my boys!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Reunion Dinner - What a Difference a Year Makes!

Found the top picture that was taken on Lunar New Year's eve in 2012 while we were off to my parent's place for reunion dinner... Little bun was only 3 plus months old then and barely aware of his surroundings. 

The below picture was taken this year while we were on our way to my parent's place for reunion dinner. He's now a active toddler who is fully aware of his surroundings and trying to get involved in all the activities around him (i.e. getting into everyone's way). 

Friday, February 8, 2013

He's had this toy for a while, and until now, this little yellow car that was given to him by his Godma is still one of his favourite toys.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Look what we found!! A Barney-theme kiddy ride for little bun!! We came across it by chance while trying to find somewhere for breakfast and my little boy loves it. It was still early so there was hardly anyone around, and he played with all the different modes of transport to his heart's content. There was the yellow school bus which was a clear favourite of his, a red car and a blue aeroplane.

We are definitely going back there again real soon!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Ummm.. Pole dancing, anyone??

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Little bun and his 'first meeting' with a cherry... (of course I was watching him to make sure that he doesn't attempt to eat it because of the pit). I cannot get enough of the look of wonder in a child's innocent eyes when he/she sees something for the first time.. mundane things that we adults take for granted.  I gave him a taste of the cherries afterwards and he seems to like them.. 

*Note to self: DO NOT feed son cherries when he is wearing a white top.*