Monday, November 24, 2014

Christmas is just a month away! All the malls are decked out since 2 weeks ago (cyncial me thinks it's all a marketing gimmick to make consumers start their Christmas shopping early!), but I do enjoy the Christmas carols and the general atmosphere where most people (including yours truly) are relaxed and looking at ways to spend their moolah!

And here we are at our attempt for a Christmas family photo.. Epic failure. One is pulling a funny face and the other one is determined NOT to look at the camera. Pffffffttttt!!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Den-den waiting for his brunch to be served... As he grows up, he's beginning to look less like me (general consensus from family and friends) and more like Mark. :(

He certainly has Mark's distinctive hairline (sorry, son!), this I don't deny... 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Little Bun is 37 Months Old!!

Happy 37 months to my cheeky monkey!!

To be entirely honest, you have not been the easiest kid and your temper tantrums can be legendary.. Your mood swings can be a nightmare too and the smallest trigger can transform you from a sweet angel to a scary monster (or vice versa). Everyone says it's because we (aka your parents) have spoiled you rotten (which we would like to politely disagree). The thing is you have all of us (parents, grandparents, relatives, teachers) wrapped around your little fingers.. you know which buttons to push and with who you can push them with.

You can be naughty/ cranky for 2 hours and when we are all at our wit's end and ready to throttle you, you will suddenly snap out of it and say or do the sweetest things that make those 2 nightmarish hours a distant memory. All will be quickly forgiven and you will be back to your sweet, angelic (and manipulative??) self. 

Angel or devil, we are so glad you came into our lives and turned it upside down. You definitely make your presence felt no matter where you go!  You never fail to surprise us with the things you learn and every moment with you is such a joy (*Exclusion clause: excluding temper tantrum episodes*).

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My finger monster is STILL at it!! Good thing that Mark was his 'victim' last night and I was able to take a picture of Den-den in action (although I am still his #1 victim since this is how he soothes himself to sleep. Every. Single. Night. 

Please Do Not Disturb.. 
Power rubbing in progress!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Little Bun #2 is 20 Months Old!!

Another 4 months to go before Den-den turns 2 years old! My little cheeky sunshine turns 20 months and he continues to bring SO much joy into our family. I am happy to see how he is begining to bond and interact a lot more with his big brother. The first word that comes out from his mouth when he wakes up every morning is 'kor kor' (big brother), and that's also the last word he utters before drifting off to sleep at night. 

I love to see how he totters off in search of his 'kor kor'  in the other room every morning.. I love how he shares his snacks and feeds his 'kor kor' (basically stuffing them into his mouth regardless of whether 'kor kor' wants them!).. I love how he picks out 2 guns from the toy basket and then promptly hands one to his 'kor kor'. I cannot get enough of his hearty chuckles when I tickle him or blow butterflies on his tummy. 

Thank you for being just the way you are, sweet Den-den.. you are such a special little boy and mommy wants you to know we love you so darn much!

Happy 20 months!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Den-den: Will you share the bun with me? Pretty please?!

Clearly the answer from little bun was a 'no'..

Den-den: Fine.. I have my own bun too!! **munch munch**

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hmmm.. how come little Den-den looks like the 'big brother' in this photo? There is a 17 month age gap between my boys, but they actually weigh the same now. Little bun is about half a head taller than Den-den but I think it won't be too long before his little brother catches up with him. Little bun has a small frame and bones (like his momma) and Den-den has a much stockier/ sturdier frame.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Den-den makes the funniest expressions ever, and I am glad I caught this one on camera! (I think he was trying to lick away the bath foam on his cheek.. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

A week before Halloween, little bun's teachers sent a note to all parents to dress the kids up on the actual day as they will have a small party in school (just wish they would give more notice to this sort of things because we have never been big on celebrating Halloween and I of course, didn't think of dressing him up). Anyway, I (barely) managed to pull something together and errr... ok at least I should get an 'A' for trying. Little bun was quite impressed with his Halloween-inspired cape and his ummm.. pumpkin cross bat head-piece. (On the other hand, my Den-den would not put up with the nonsense, he promptly whipped it off, threw it on the ground and gave me a disdainful glance before walking away). 

Some chocolate treats for his classmates..

I even managed to make these Rattlesnake Jellies for his class and teachers! (Stole the idea from the internet.. heheheh..)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

We got around to buying them this little table (from IKEA) so that they have somewhere where they can create a mess draw/ color/ play with their Play-Doh/ watch their iPads. At least now the mess is confined to one area! Why didn't we think of this earlier??!