Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mummy's Grand Plan -- Part II

For once, I did not disappoint my babies. I went ahead and did the tattoo!! It was defintely not painful at all... I seriously think it's over-rated. Well, it's either that the people that they show on Miami Ink/ LA Ink were exaggerating or I picked an 'unpainful' part of my body to do it. Or is it because I have gone through a pain that hurt me so much, nothing else can be compared?

Many people have asked me 'Isn't it painful?'... my reply is always 'Nothing can be more painful than going through labour pains and labour, and knowing fully well that I won't have a baby to bring home at the end of it'. I went through that pain twice. That pain is so cold, so heart-wrenching that you feel like every drop of blood is squeezed dry from your heart... and you just wish that it'd stop beating. (If there's a better way to describe it, it's like the 'Dementors' in Harry Potter... you feel like all your soul and happiness are being sucked dry and that you will never be happy ever again... yes, I am a Harry Potter fan).

After I had it done, Mark liked it so much he too ended up having the same thing done on his left shoulder. He'd been gleefully telling me that 'I have got my angels on my shoulder watching over me'...

The pic below was taken at the tattoo parlour immediately after it'd been completed, that's why it's still looking a little red and puffy.

This was taken about 1 week after it was done... It looks perfect to me.

I'd have to admit that tattooing can be quite addictive... although Mark and I have made it very clear to each other than we'd never tattoo each other's name (look at Angelina Jolie and her 'Billy Bob' tattoo). Well, you'd never know what happens in the future right? I'm somewhat happy that Mark has the same tattoo.. and it is not because it's a lovey-dovey 'matching' couple thingy. Whether we remain together for eternity or if we split and remarry, Lucas and Chloe will forever be OUR babies. They belong to us and will always be a part of us which no one/ nothing can ever change.

I am so glad I had the tattoo done... there's almost a sense of relief that came with it.. I know I will never forget them and they will always be a part of me no matter what, but maybe because the tattoo is something tangible that I can look at, it brings me immense comfort knowing that Lucas and Chloe will always be with me. (And when they are not busy watching over Mark's shoulder, maybe they can watch over me and bless me with a little baby that I can keep by my side this time).

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