Friday, May 30, 2014

My Den-den boy is looking all grown up **wistful sigh**. His favorite words are 'kor kor' (big brother) and 'Papa'. 'Mama' is a long way down at the bottom of the list (and I always thought I am the numero uno in his life..).

He loves following his big brother around and imitating him, unfortunately big brother doesn't really fancy this little brother's attention. They have also started fighting for the same toy.. wooohooo.. fun times ahead!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A belated Mother's Day post. My present from Mark and the boys.  I just got the ring back after sending it to be engraved, so now I have got 'Kyran' on the yellow gold and 'Ayden' on the rose gold. I wanted to get 'Mark' engraved on the diamond band but they didn't want to do it cos they said the process may 'scratch the diamonds'. Too bad.

We had a little celebration at home to indulge little bun in his little request (yes, he is still asking us for cake and making us sing 'Happy Birthday', complete with candle and party hats for all). 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Little bun's school organized yet another outing (I don't remember I had that many school outings at his age, he's barely 5 and a half months into his playgroup! Heck, I wasn't even in school yet until I was 5!!). 

This time round, the school took them out to watch a 40 min play at the Esplanade. (How much can a 3 year old enjoy a play, I really wonder, BUT little bun's teacher told me that 'he enjoyed himself very much', so I summoned my best sincere look and went 'Ya, okaaaay'.) This is his very first solo outing without Mark and/or I, so I was rather apprehensive and reminded Mark to inform his teacher that they should call me if he becomes cranky.

In the bus on the way to Esplanade

Enjoying himself with his schoolmates

Friday, May 23, 2014

They are the loves of my life, and they are the reason I find meaning in life. Everyone has their own reason for waking up in the morning, and my reason are my boys!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Moody, hungry, homesick and sleepy.. Am in Tokyo now on a business trip and although I flew in on Business Class, much to the envy of some of my colleagues, I much rather wish I am I am back at the comfort of my own couch.  The food on the flight was nice though, or maybe cos I didn't have breakfast, so I finished up most of what you see in those photos. Oh and for once, I finished watching 'Frozen'. Never had the chance to properly watch it at home cos little bun would be fast forwarding or rewinding it to his whims and fancy, so I only got to watch certain parts here and there. Unfortunately, watching it made me miss my 2 boys even more! Bad decision.. 

Shopping on Day 2.. I had a surprise few hours off in theafternoon after an intense 4 hour client meeting in the morning. So what did I do? Promptly dropped my laptop off at the hotel and took a cab to Ginza for a few hours of retail therapy. Presents for Mark from Burberry Black Label (apparently only available in Japan). Only hope the size fits him.. if not.. oh well.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Little Bun is 31 Months Old!!

Another month older, but his interest/ obsessions with water fountains is still unwavering. Mark and I have been trying to avoid fountains whenever we are out with little bun because it'd take him a good 15 min or so before he reluctantly allows us to pull him away. That is only if we are lucky. The bigger the fountain, the more excited he is. 

Sweet baby bun, may your sense of wonder never cease, and may you always be able to find joy in all the little things in life. May life continue to excite and interest you.. Happy 31st month, little bun.. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Such a heartwarming moment.. glad I was holding my phone and managed to capture it! Looking at the photo gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Really, this is all that matters, isn't it? I love my boys and my boys love each other.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Little Bun #2 is 14 Months Old!!

Darling Den-den is 13 months old!! He is now walking steadily without any support and has a grand total of 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 below). There's not much progress in the hair department, unfortunately. Whenever he perspires (which is quite often), all his fine little hair will stick onto his head like a badly gelled hairdo!

He also knows how to wave goodbye and gives 'flying kisses' when he is in the mood. Above all, he loves following his big brother around the house and trying his best to get involved in whatever his brother is doing/ playing. The 2 boys are beginning to fight over toys/ their favorite chair/standing spot/ who gets through the door first, etc. Fun. 

One thing that still hasn't changed - He is still momma's #1 sidekick, following behind me everywhere I go, and if his short little legs catches up with me, he will hug my leg just like how a koala hugs a.. ermmmm.. tree trunk.

Mark and I have confirmed that Den-den's favorite color is purple for sure (think Barney) as he picks up ONLY the purple balls from  the big pile of balls in the playhouse. Each and every single time. This evening, I showed him 2 polo shirts, one in a nice bright blue and another in purple. Guess which one he picked!

I love you, sweet Ayden.. you are such a sweetheart and growing up too quickly. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

I entered some contest (ok, this is really one of the very few times I do this.. I normally don't bother to do such things, but because I really liked the t-shirts, I gave it a shot) and got these 2 cute, customized t-shirts for the boys! It took sooo long (like over 4 months) to arrive that I totally forgot about them until they came in the mail one day! What a pleasant surprise and thankfully, they fitted the boys nicely.

**Happy dance** Feeling really pleased with myself for once!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Stole this photo from the online portal that is created by little bun's school. I love the portal by the way... It keeps the parents informed of how/what the kiddos are doing in school and I feel that although I am not physically there with him, I am happy to see him having fun and enjoying himself in the activities.

My baby is growing up.. too fast.