Sunday, November 1, 2009

Horrible Halloween 2009

Mark and I had a really eventful Halloween night yesterday, and it's not in a good way at all. He arranged to meet with some friends for dinner and a friend suggested Sunset Grill at Seletar Airbase. I have heard about this place from DG, and thought it'd be nice to be able to check it out finally.

When we were en-route there, it started to rain (although it was still sunny when we left the house) and traffic became bad as all the cars were slowing down. By the time we reached Seletar, it was positively pouring. It doesn't help that it our first time there for both of us, and the rain was so heavy we couldn't see any of the road signs at all. I think we lost our way as soon as we exited from the expressway. In a nutshell, we were so horribly lost and the rain was making it even harder for us to try and extricate ourselves from the mess. There were floods, potholes, 'killer' camouflaged humps, lightning flashing overhead and we couldn't see anything ahead of us (yes, it was a true Halloween night alright!!), so by the time we found the Sunset Grill, I was ever so ready to go home.

Wait.. things continue to go downhill from here...

The place had an open air carpark, so we had to dash across from the car. By then, I was wet, hungry, cold, pissed, frustrated and silently cursing myself for agreeing to the dinner. Due to the downpour, the restaurant closed up the outdoor area and they were not able to accommodate us because the inside area was already full. Yup, after all the effort of going there, this was the end result. At that stage, I think I was reading to saw off someone's head.

The rest of the gang then decided to go to a shopping mall for dinner and when we got there, we couldn't get a car park. WTF?? Anyway, when we finally sat down for dinner, it was 2.5 hours since I left the comfort of my house. We spent a freaking 2.5 hours in the car...

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