Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fertility Treatment - Dec 2009

I saw the fertility doctor yesterday and she told me that since all my blood test results have come back looking 'normal', she'd be starting me on the fertility treatment next month!! She presented the options to me and we have agreed to start with the less invasive treatment first, i.e. Clomid. I guess pill-popping is a lot less painful, less expensive and less invasive than the injections. I conceived Lucas through Clomid and Chloe through the FSH (follicle stimulating hormones) injections. Both of these methods are the less invasive ones compared to IUI or IVF. I am really hoping that Clomid will work its magic on me again without too long a wait **crossing fingers**...

I admitted to the doc that I was apprehensive about falling pregnant because of my past history. Moreover, they have not been able to find out the cause of my two niscarriages. She told me that it is fully understandable the way I am feeling, but she also said that she personally feels that I should give it a shot because I am still of child-bearing age and if I don't give it another try, I may live to regret it when it's too late.

The doc assured me that when I fall pregnant, I'd be taken care by a team of doctors in the High Risk Obstetrics Dept and I will be closely monitored. It did give me some degree of assurance, but STILL, that fear of the unknown is never far from my mind. Anyway, I am feeling quite lost yet again... it feels like being caught between a rock and a hard place... somewhat of a 'dammed if you do, dammed if you don't' kind of scenario.

Ok, back to something less gloomy. I saw Dr T while I was at the clinic!! Again, I was too cowardly to say 'hi'. I texted Mark and told him about it, and the response I got was just one word, i.e. Lame. I called Fion and told her about it too, fortunately she was a lot kinder than Mark was and we had a good girly chat/ laugh. Strangely though, the heart wasn't palpitating that much like before... Hopefully this is an indication that I am getting over this fruitless infatuation!! This will come as good news for my long suffering husband and friends, who have been at the listening end of my nonsensical chatter.

Today is Mark's last day at his current workplace. He'd be taking a 2 week break before starting at the new place, and he claims that he'd spend quality time with me during the 2 weeks (can anyone hear my toes laughing??). I am not a psychic, but I already know what he'd be doing during those 2 weeks:

1) Meddle with the home computer (because he's recently managed to install Mac on it)
2) Play games on his PlayStation
3) Play games on his PlayStation
4) Play games on his PlayStation

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