Friday, November 6, 2009

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)

I recalled a 'test' that Dr T made me do in late Aug when Mark rasied to him about his concerns that I seem to be depressed. This test is known as the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and it is used to screen for post-partum depression 6-8 weeks after delivery. When I did the test, it was around 8 weeks after I losing Chloe. This is a pretty simple test with only 10 multiple-choice questions and a maximum score of 30.

At that time, Dr T seemed pretty surprised and concerned when he saw what my score was, but since I knew nothing about this test, I was not overly worried. The other day when the fertility doc was going through my files, I saw my results. I think I got a 'High Distinction' cos I scored 25 out of the 30 marks. Apparently if you score anything above 13, you are 'likely to be suffering from a depressive illness of varying severity', and anyone scoring anything above 10 needs to be further assessed by a health professional. Oops.. so I think I must have done 'quite well' with my score of 25.

I thought I would redo the test again (online) just to see how I perform now. **drumbroll**... my score is 19 this time. I guess there is an improvement, although technically speaking I still 'fail' the test. But hey, slight improvement is better than no improvement...

And I am reiterating again that I am not mad, just sad (hey, it even rhymes).

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