Monday, November 2, 2009

I took leave today firstly because I just felt like it and secondly, I have an appointment at NUH (yes, again) with the fertility doctor. I think I still have almost 20 days of annual leave left until the end of the fiscal year in Mar 2010. I had intended to 'save up' as much leave as I could when I was expecting Chloe because I planned to utilise them after I used up my maternity leave. Now there's no need for me to 'save up' these leave any more since there's no Chloe for me to take care of. I have no use for all these leave anymore, and it shares the same fate as all the baby clothes, bibs, mittens and booties that are still sitting uselessly in my wardrobe.

The fertility doc said that I should be getting my period around 09 Nov since my last period was on 09 Oct. I wasn't being rude, but I had to try not to laugh when she said it because my period hasn't been regular for a loooooooong time due to PCOS. I bluntly told her it is highly unlikely that I'd get my period anytime soon without any medication, so she prescribed me with a course of medication to take if my period doesn't materialize by next week. She told me to take a home pregnancy test before I take the medicine, just in case I am pregnant. I had to try even harder not to laugh because the chances of me being pregnant now is as good naught.

I understand she was just trying to play it safe and it's all for my good, but I have become very cynical of my own body after being disappointed and betrayed by it repeatedly. She'd also recommended for me to go for an x-ray to ensure that my tubes are not blocked, so that would take place in 2 weeks. The results of the 7 (or was it 8?) vials of blood that they took from me on 20 Oct is not out yet, so I'll have to wait until 13 Nov when I see the rheumatologist. Another 10 more days of worry...

On a (much) happier note, I saw Dr T along the hallway as I was making my way to the clinic!! He was walking towards my direction and I spotted him from afar. Yup yup.. my heart was palpitating in full force. He didn't see me (sadly) as he appeared to be hurrying somewhere and was reading a document he was holding. I was too cowardly to go up and say 'hi'... I think I'd be a blabbering idiot anyway, so I better not risk ruining my own reputation. Anyway, this is a nice way to begin the day/ week, and clearly, I am still (so) not over with my infatuation. I am contemplating if I should relocate my 'home office' to the NUH cafeteria... Anyway I have so many appointments lined up and I am already spending so much time there. At the same time, it'd be nice to 'bump' into Dr T once in a while... Better still, why don't I just get a job there?

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