Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Food Poisoning

Don't know if it's something that I'd eaten, but seems like I have a bad case of food poisoning with all the symtoms, i.e. upset stomach, vomitting, stomach spasm and fever. I spent the most of last night going in and out of the toilet and not getting much sleep at all. It's a pretty horrible feeling but I think I lost close to 2kg overnight. Most likely it's all the water so I am reminding myself to take more fluid.

I felt so bad last night I kept disturbing Mark, who was sound asleep. I told him not to be surprised to find me dead when he woke up the next morning. He told me that our Angels will look after me and that I'd be fine. I responded by saying that I'd rather be the one looking after them instead. That's what a mother is supposed to do, right? Alas, I didn't die (not that it is likely anyway, but I can hope, can't I?).

Mark dragged me off to the clinic near my office this morning and the doc gave me an injection plus 2 days medical leave. I thought the injection will make me feel better quite quickly, but it's been 6 hours and I still feel lousy. Ok, maybe not as lousy as last night, but it still pretty much sucks. While the doc was prescribing the medication, she asked if there's any possibility of me being pregnant. I responded that it is 'highly impossible'. Sigh... the sound of it coming out from my own mouth sounds so sad.

I have an appointment at NUH later this week with the doc who is handling my thrombophilia. My blood test results should also be ready by then, so hopefully it'd yield some findings. **fingers crossed**

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