Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This morning, I received an email from Amanda's mommy, A. It made be cry, but in a nice way because I was very touched by it. I was actually quite surprised to get an email from her because I thought that she'd be so busy taking care and enjoying every walking moment with Amanda.

Apparently, one week old Amanda is back in the hospital because she's got a bad case of jaundice, and A told me that is very worried and feels very helpless. She feels that she is a 'terrible mother' because she cannot do anything to help her Amanda while Amanda is lying naked under the blue light. I feel for her and wish that Amanda will be well enough to go home soon.

I know exactly how A is feeling now because I have felt the same way when I saw Chloe and there's nothing I could do to save her. I felt so helpless, so usless and so frustrated at that time.. I felt like (and am still feeling like) the worst mother in the world. I guess it's something all mothers will have in common... i.e. the innate need to protect their babies.

A also shared with me that when she was in the labour suite, she thought about Chloe several times. I wonder what she thought about, but didn't want to ask her now as she's so worried about Amanda's condition. A also told me that she's sad that Amanda will not get to be friends with Chloe, but she has a strong feeling that Amanda will be good friends with Chloe's younger siblings. I thought that was real sweet of her...

If Lucas and Chloe have indeed become Angels, I hope they will watch over their little friend, and see to it that she will be well enough to go home with her parents soon.

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