Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thrombophilia (NOT!!)

I got back the results of the 2nd round of blood tests yesterday and it gave me even more mixed feelings and I am feeling more lost than ever before.

The GOOD news: Amazingly, this time the results indicate that I do NOT have Thrombophilia afterall. The results show that my levels fall within the acceptable ranges so Dr V said that during pregnancy, these levels drop and become very low. Once the pregnancy is over, the body re-adjusts and there is a sudden pike. So she thinks that my previous results showed that I have Thrombophilia because my body was adjusting itself after I lost Chloe.

Other than a re-testing of some of the functions that had already been tested previously, there were also some new tests included the 2nd time round. According to Dr V, they have run all the available tests on me and I appear to be a pretty normal and healthy person. So the real reason behind the miscarriages could remain a mystery forever.

The BAD news: While it is great that I am physically normal, this means that they still do not know the actual cause of my miscarriages. This also means that should I fall pregnant again, they will not know how to treat me because there is technically nothing wrong with me. Dr V did say that to be on the safe side, they'd still be prescribing me with aspirin low molecular heparin since it had been proven that it has no ill-effects on the baby.

The problem is that I am not a 'textbook case', so no one knows exactly what to do with me. At the meantime, Dr V prescribed a 3 week course of antibiotics for Mark and myself.

Oh and Dr V also did kindly point out to me that when I get pregnant, I do have to be mentally prepared. Basically, I have to pray and cross my fingers from when I find out that I am pregnant right up until week 28. Any extra day after week 28 will be a 'bonus'.

This bag contains the antibiotics for Mark and I... Each of us have to take 2 tablets a day for 3 weeks. I got a shock when I saw the bill, make a guess how much it costs.

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