Monday, December 28, 2009

Disappointment before Christmas

On Christmas Eve, I followed the fertility doctor's order and did a home pregnancy test in case I still have not gotten my period by then. It'd have been one week 'overdue' at that time and I have to take this test before I start on the fertility medication that she prescribed me. Disappointingly, only one line showed up, i.e. 'Not Pregnant'. Not that the result was a surprise, but I was still disappointed nevertheless.

And that afternoon, my stupid period came... I wouldn't have wasted the pregnancy test kit if I had waited another day!! But on a brighter note, it is my first natural cycle since the miscarriage and I guess it came close enough to the previous cycle with only a one week delay. All my previous cycles after miscarrying Chloe were 'stimulated' with the aid of medication, and with my history of irregular menses (hence the need to have assisted fertility), this is pretty good news.

Hopefully the TCM doctor that I have just started seeing will be able to sort me out since the Western doctors cannot find anything wrong with me. Friends have been egging me to check out TCM for the longest time, so I decided that it is worth a shot. This particular doc that I am seeing specialises in fertility issues and the best thing is that he can speak a smattering of English (woohooo!!). Anyway, the doc said that my kidneys are a bit weak... how he can deduce this merely by checking my pulse is beyond me, and how he can tell that I haven't been sleeping well by simply looking at my tongue is bewildering too. Oh and he was also spot-on when also asked if my headaches are usually on the left temple... He might have been a part-time psychic on his off-days.

Anyway, I have been given some really funky tasting Chinese medicine to drink (supposedly to build my body up). So far, I have been gulping it down without whining too much because I am keeping my fingers crossed that it'd make me and my womb strong enough to house a baby for 40 weeks.

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