Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Gosh, work has been so hectic since last week, especially with the de-implementation and transition of ML... So many last minute issues have cropped up that I feel like I am getting one heart attack after another. I don't understand why, but it has always been the case that just before I go on any annual leave over 3 days, there is suddenly a lot of 'urgent' stuff that needs my attention and a lot of conference calls to attend. There's just one more work day to go before I take a 3 day hiatus from work and the thought of not being able to check my emails is begining to freak me out.

It's not that I am 'indispensible' but I guess being the (failed) perfectionist that I am, I want everything to be as close to perfection as possible. I'd have thought that I had learnt the invaluable lesson that life is never going to be perfect for me... well, apparently not. Mark told me on Saturday that I need to lower my expectations of myself and of others so that I can be a happier and less stressed up. I need to learn how to 'let go'... but in reality it is easier said than done. I think I will make this my resolution for 2010.

On the personal front, there are so many things left undone too... I have yet to pack our bags for the trip, have not prepared Hershey's food for the next 4 days, have not bought the stuff that my sis-in-law wants me to help her buy, have not sent out one single Christmas card, etc...

I really wish I can find a hole to crawl into and hopefully never come out (ahhh... I have to add the hole digging to my 'To Do' list too)...

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