Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cervical Cerclage

I didn't get the good news that I was hoping for yesterday and have been feeling extremely bothered and worried sick ever since. The length of my cervix had shortened further from last week. It was 3.3cm last week and when we measured it yesterday, it was only 2.7cm... Thank goodness it is still closed and there are no signs of funneling. At 2.7cm, it is getting too close to the 'danger' level of 2.5cm, hence Dr Anu made the decision to put in an emergency cerlage for me next week. The earliest slot that she managed to get the operating theatre is on Tue, 02 Aug and I'd need to stay warded for a couple of days after the surgery so that they can monitor my condition.

Initially when Dr Anu first brought up the subject of putting in a cervical cerclage for me in April, I was so glad when we decided to adopt the 'wait and see' approach cos my cervical length had been at a healthy 4.5cm for many weeks. Unfortunately it didn't stay that way and now it seems very necessary to have the stitch put in. Although I am extremely concerned about the possible risks involved (ranging from premature labour to premature rupture of membranes to infection of the cervix, etc), Dr Anu's advice is that at the rate my cervix is shortening, it's just a matter of time before history repeats itself like in the case of Chloe.

It seems like Mark and I really aren't left with any other options... we are caught in a tight spot between a rock and a hard place. It is a risk that we have to take and then pray really hard for the best outcome. I just can't believe how close I am now to reaching the 'safety zone' and then this has to happen... I only need another 4 to 6 weeks for little bun to remain inside me!!!! It is so damn frustrating!!!! Anyway, all there is left to do now is keep our fingers crossed and pray that the surgery will go smoothly; that there won't be any adverse effects; that the stitch will help to keep my cervix intact and keep little bun in me for a long time more.

*** Dear God, please watch over little bun and I during this trying period and may you keep us under your watchful care for the next couple of weeks.***

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