Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My weekly meeting with little bun is slightly delayed this week from Tuesday to Thursday because Dr Anu went on vacation and the other doctor whom I am supposed to see during her absence only conducts clinics on Thursdays. Although the wait is only 2 days, I already feel that it's too much to bear!! I guess it's very comforting whenever the check-up and scan goes well as it is an assurance to me on little bun's well-being. Too many things can go wrong, and being the paranoid person that I am, I conjure up new things to fret over on a daily (no, make it hourly) basis.

I had a rare outing by myself earlier today (with Mark's reluctant consent). After barely 30 minutes of walking around, I had a sudden attack of dizzy spell which scared me. I rarely get dizzy, and this episode was so bad and so sudden that I was almost going to ask someone around me for help. Alas, there wasn't anyone near me cos it was rather early and the mall was still quiet. I was feeling breathless and suffocated, broke out in cold sweat, felt nauseous, etc... made it to a bench and sat there for a while to recover. Was rather puzzled by it but I guess it's probably low sugar or perhaps the ventilation of the mall wasn't good since they just opened.

I don't know what made me realize it sbsequently, but I discovered the reason for my 'fainting spell'. I was wearing a top from my pre-pregnancy days, and it was rather snug around the chest/upper abdomen area. When I put it on in the morning, it still fits me comfortably, but after my breakfast with Mark, it became a bit too snug for comfort. I reckon this is what caused my fainting episode. Well, at least I have an excuse to purchase a new (loose-fitting) top!! As soon as I changed into the new top, I felt a whole lot better... I can breathe!!

Lesson learnt... sometimes I amaze myself with the crap I get myself into. This is certainly not the first time, and it definitely won't be the last either.

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