Tuesday, July 12, 2011

After 'complaining' about my interrupted sleep in the previous post, I had a surprisingly good and uninterrupted night of sleep yesterday, i.e. no tossing and turning, no waking up in the wee hours for my pee break, no Hershey jumping onto the bed and flopping down on my leg/legs, no snoring orchestra beside me, etc. I slept through the night soundly until Mark woke me up early this morning to go for my appointment at the Diabetic Clinic.

Previously my appointment with the doctor at the Diabetic Clinic is once every fortnight. Today, the doctor agreed to lengthen it to every 3 weeks because he said I have been behaving myself and watching my diet. So far the blood glucose level (bgl) reading that I take at home 3 days per week for 7 times a day is looking pretty decent. The 'summary' report of my bgl for the past 3 months is 5.4, which is in the 'ideal' range. I was sent home with a 'Please continue to do what you have been doing and watch your diet carefully'.

Am pretty pleased with the outcome and will definitely do my best to continue to control my cravings... Actually I was just telling Mark the other day that I know for sure my 'cravings' are not pregnancy-related. Rather, my 'cravings' are really me being greedy and wanting to eat things that I know I should not and cannot eat, e.g. ice-cream, frozen yoghurt, durians (this is an on-going one), cakes, chocolates. Good thing that I am not hankering for fizzy drinks although I was told that I can have Coke Light or Coke Zero. I guess in this instance, mine is a 'mental issue' more than anything, and definitely a case of 'mind over matter'!! Before I was told that I have gestational diabetes, I have never thought of eating these things (other than durians).

Credit also has to go to Mark because he is sooooo strict in monitoring my diet. There had been times when I wonder if he's trying to starve me to death...

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