Friday, July 15, 2011

I only got to see the top of little bun's head during the checkup yesterday when the sonographer was scanning for the length of my cervix and little bun's head was just lying right on top of my cervix. The new replacement doctor didn't do any ultrasound like what Dr Anu would usually do... she only used a fetal doppler to listen to little bun's heartbeat. So happy and relieved to hear the strong, rhythmic beating of little bun's heart.

I also took the opportunity to check with the doctor about my weight gain... I've only put on 4kg so far, and this is a whole 2.5kg lesser than when I was carrying Chloe at the same gestational period. According to the internet, I should have put on around 5.5kg-6kg. Anyway, the doctor didn't seem overly concerned and assured me that most of the weight gain will come on quickly during the last trimester. I sure hope so... I really hope that I am not depriving little bun of any nutrients during this very important stage of his/her growth. Even Mark noticed that for this pregnancy, there is hardly any signs of weight gain on the rest of my body, other than my tummy. During Chloe's time, my weight gain was very visible on my face and arms.

As little bun continues to grow , he/she is taking up more space inside me. I think my uterus is now lying partially on my bladder, which gives me an urge to pee even if I have just emptied my bladder. This is made worse especially if I am standing or walking... I lost count of the number of times I visited the washroom while I was out yesterday!!

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