Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I presented these 2 envelopes to Mark yesterday as part of his birthday present. I have prepared this 'present' over 3 weeks ago when the scan revealed little bun's gender. On the day before the scan, I prepared 2 cards, a light pink one with the word 'GIRL' and a pale blue one with the word 'BOY'. During the scan, I requested the sonographer not to tell me the gender, but to put the corresponding card into the black envelope (I chose black cos it is impossible to see through it and thus prevent any chance of me trying to steal a peek to confirm my guess!!). The remaining card was placed into the red envelope. I have kept these 2 envelopes in my drawer and have resisted the urge to steal a peek... pretty darn proud of myself!!

I told Mark that the choice to look or not look was entirely his. After a brief moment of contemplation, he decided to stick to his initial decision to keep it unknown for now (or until he cannot withstand the suspense any longer).

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