Friday, July 29, 2011

I wonder what today's checkup and scan will bring... I hope there will be good news about my cervical length, or at the very least, that there won't be any bad news. At the very least, I am hoping that its length remained the same as last week and hasn't shortened any further. I had a brief discussion on this topic with my haematologist when I saw her on Tuesday, and basically this is what she recommended:
  1. Not to lift or carry anything heavy
  2. Not to exert myself when in the toilet (I guess she means poo-pooing)
  3. To try and sit/lie down when sneezing
  4. Avoid squatting
  5. Bed rest as much as possible

That scary, mixed feeling is back again... it is the feeling of excitement in seeing little bun versus the fear of not knowing if everything will continue to be alright. ***fingers crossed***

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