Thursday, July 7, 2011

Little bun and I shared a very special and magical moment last evening. I was reclining in bed watching TV while waiting for Mark to return home from work and I felt little bun moving around a fair bit inside my tummy. Over the past fortnight, I have noticed that little bun is usually more active in the evenings and just before my bedtime.

Anyway, I was absent-mindedly stroking and patting my tummy when I felt a vigorous movement from little bun, just like he/she was responding to my patting!! I looked down at my belly and I could actually see little jerking movements going on right under my skin... my belly had a life of its own (well, literally speaking, my belly does indeed have a life of its own)!! This to-ing and fro-ing between little bun and I went on for a few seconds while I stared at my belly in amazement. I actually giggled out aloud because it looks and feels so strange, yet so magical.

I am thankful that little bun and I had shared this special bonding moment over the skin (ok, and fats) of my tummy... It is a truly wonderful feeling, and a moment that I'd always treasure.

Got to get ready to go for my appointment with little bun soon... I do feel a bit uneasy about the check-up today because 1) I'd be seeing another doctor and not my usual security blanket, i.e. Dr Anu 2) Mark woke me up this morning to tell me something rather unsettling. He reads his horoscope every morning while going through papers and he told me that his horoscope today does not bode well on the home front. Hmmm.....

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