Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Having withdrawal symptoms... I have spent every moment of the last 4 days with Mark (he took the day off on Monday and it was a public holiday yesterday), and he's gone back to work today. It may seem weird, but I miss his presence. Even though we may not always be at the same part of the house the past few days, I enjoy being able to shout "I love you" to him from the bedroom when he is in the living room and hearing his muffled response in return. I enjoy being able to have a quick snuggle with him anytime I feel like it. I like to see the way he tries so hard to convince me to take a nap just so that he can play his game/ watch his movie in peace. Haa!

I should have had my weekly date with little bun yesterday, but since it was a public holiday, our date has been postponed to Friday. Nothing will give me more comfort than to see/ hear little bun's heartbeat, and to know that he/she is growing well inside me. Because of my lack of pregnancy symptoms this time round (which I should probably be grateful for), I feel extra uncertain of this pregnancy because to put it simply, I just don't feel that I am pregnant. Moreover, old wives tale have it that the more pregnancy symptoms that one have (i.e. food craving, nausea, etc), the more stable the pregnancy is. So this thought is constantly creeping into my mind.

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