Friday, May 27, 2011

Glucose Tolerance Test

I had my Glucose Tolerance Test done yesterday morning... Was told to fast from 12 midnight onwards and show up at the clinic at 8.30am. First the nurse took my blood and then gave me a choice between a chilled or room tempertature glucose drink (naturally I opted for the chilled one) which I had to down within 10min. Then I had to stick around and wait for 2 hours before the nurse took more blood from me. This is done to determine how well the body can process the glucose.

The taste of the glucose drink was rather strange.. like a slightly medicated and decarbonated fizzy drink. Dr Anu warned me that it tasted horrid, but I thought it was bearable. Funny tasting but still within my 'acceptable' threshold (though I'd prefer not to have to gulp it down ever again).

The result of the GTT should be ready when I see Dr Anu later. It's going to be a rather long afternoon at the hospital later cos I have to go for my cervical scan and then followed by the appointment with Dr Anu (and little bun!!).

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