Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We were doing up the house in preparation for Chinese New Year, which is slightly over a week away. Mark was certainly more into it than I was... I was flipping through the day's papers and totally immersed on reading about Singapore's declining fertility rate while he was diligently working his way around the house putting up decorations here and there (and everywhere... I suspect he and my mom are having some sort of a 'competition' with the decorations every Chinese New Year).

Then Mark came across the sticker with the Chinese word 'Abundance'. We'd normally stick it onto the refridgerator or on the rice canister, but I think dear hubby found a more appropriate place to stick it this year - on my tummy. May my tummy be blessed with a year of abundance. (I should also find the Chinese characters for 'Succcess' and stick it on as well...).
Abundance PLUS Success... what a great way to start off the Year of the Rabbit. Hope that I will have a bun in the oven and a little 'bunny' by the end of the year.

(I was still in my Tatty Teddy pyjamas when the photo was taken.. hee)

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