Sunday, January 30, 2011

Done & Dusted

We have finally decided on the English name for our niece/ god-daughter... Rynae - 'Ryn-nae' pronounced like in Renee. Not certain yet if it's going to be single 'n' or double 'n' in the middle, i.e. Rynae or Rynnae... The name 'Renee' goes well with her surname and Chinese name, but I didn't want to stick with the usual/ traditional spelling of 'Renee' because I've heard of instances where people here pronounce 'Renee' as 'Ree-nee' (as in Reenie/ Reeny), which I think is quite horrible. Hence I came up with the variation in spelling... Additonally, a fortune teller who specializes in names told me that it's good to have alphabets like y/q/g/j in a name because the lower extension of those characters represent/ look like a money bag. As such, ideally you should have more of those alphabets in your name... the more the merrier (or richer)!!! (Ok frankly I don't really believe in it and I think it's B.S, but I guess there's no harm too. Hmm... maybe I should change the spelling of my name from Shane to Shayne... it looks more feminine and more importantly, there's a money bag!)

Her Chinese name is Lee Rui Ying, 李睿颖. The middle character has 2 meanings (below) and the last character basically has the same connotation as meaning #2 below.

#1) it is a distinctive term used to refer to royalty in olden days;
#2) wise, clever and far-sighted

And with this, a baby girl has been named.

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