Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's been rather stressful cos Mark and I have been tasked with naming my niece/ god-daughter... It's such an honour but there's also a great deal of pressure because the kid will be stuck with the name that we choose for her, and if the name sucks, she'd probably be ridiculed when she goes to school. It'd have been nice if we'd been given ample time, but I am no longer surprised because that's just how laidback my brother-in-law is.
They will need to file the registration papers latest by tomorrow, and last night I was up till 3am scouring the internet for options... because I went to bed so late (early??!), I missed my alarm clock this morning and was nearly late for my appointment with the fertility doctor (appointment was at 8.30am and we woke up at 8am!!). Good thing our place is only a 5min drive to the hospital.

While waiting for my turn at the clinic, I was still googling for names and was getting rather confused. Out of desperation, I told Mark to randomly pick from a list of 100 girl names. All he had to do was to close his eyes and just point his finger to any spot on the iPad screen. He did it to humour me and he didn't see the list of names prior to that. Guess where his finger pointed to? Out of the 100 names, his finger pointed to 'Chloe'... we stared at each other in disbelief. Somehow I wasn't overly surprised because Chloe always seems to have special bond with Mark and is always sending him subtle little signs. Stroke of luck or pure coincidence, I really have no clue. Anyway we definitely won't be using this name because Mark's family knows that this is what we named our little girl.

I have already picked out the Chinese name yesterday with consensus from the rest of the family, so we are now left with her English name. My brother-in-law prefers an English name that'd complement nicely with the surname and Chinese name. Currently we are down to 3 names and hopefully we will have something by today.

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