Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Here's my dosage of Chinese medication that I take on alternate days... Little harmless looking sachets (sixteen in fact) of various Chinese herbs that's been powdered down.

Empty all sixteen sachets into a mug and the concoction still looks rather harmless...

Ahhh, but how things change when you add in some hot water... the harmless concoction is transformed into a vile tasting cocktail that smells and tastes even worse than it looks. I'm supposed to add in a cup of water, but I only add in half the quantity so that I can gulp it down quickly... the only drawback is that the mixture is thick rather granular and chalky.

Surprisingly, it is working. I took the Chinese medicine concurrently with my Western medication (it's fine as long as they are taken 2 hours apart). Usually, my period will only come 2-3 days after I complete the course of Western medicine, but this time, my period came even before I completed my course of Western medicine!!

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