I finally got my act together and organised the long overdue 'thank you' cookies meant for the doctors and nurses who took such good care of me before, during and after my pregnancy. I have been meaning to do it much earlier but little bun had kept me so busy that this got postponed (and postponed).
We ordered 6 dozen large cookies (or message lollies as they are called) with a customized message and personally delivered them to the doctors and nurses at the Fertility Clinic, Fetal Care Centre (the place where my weekly scans were done), the IVIG clinic, the Delivery Suite as well as the Women's Clinic (the place where I see Dr Anu). It is, in a way, 'my final walk down memory lane' (or more aptly, 'my final walk down the hospital corridors'.. ok let's leave it as memory lane cos it sounds less morbid).
Mark and I brought little bun along for the trip cos he is a 'mini-celebrity' at all those places and many were eager to see him as they personally witnessed my rather eventful pregnancy. We went to all those clinics which have by now become so familiar, and they hold bittersweet memories when I look back at my journey. I am going to miss those places and the people I have met during my journey towards motherhood. I can't tell them enough how grateful I am because although they are doing their jobs, many of them have gone above and beyond that. I feel very blessed that I had them during that period of my life.

Nosey (and greedy) Hershey sniffing things out.

This visit draws to a close a very eventful, exciting and memorable chapter of my life, one which I don't ever want to forget. While we were at the Delivery Suite, my parting words to the doctors and nurses there were "I will see you in one year's time", which drew much laughter and words of encouragement from the doctors and nurses, but a wry look from my husband.