Wednesday, October 26, 2011

For the past week, most of my time was spent on changing dirty diapers, rocking little bun to sleep, soothing him when he cries (which fortunately isn't very often), bonding with him durin the time he is awake, breastfeeding him (I don't like to feed him every X hours like some people tell me to, I'd rather feed him as and when he wants to be fed.. it's rather tiring, but well worth it). I am already back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but then since I didn't put on very much (a grand 6.4kg during the entire 37 weeks), I guess it's not unexpected.

Even Mark had lost some weight too.. hehehe... He does a fantastic job at rocking little bun to sleep and singing the ONE & ONLY nursery song - Old MacDonald (and seems like poor Old MacDonald's farm only has one animal, i.e. the duck. We've got to aim for 'farm expansion' soon!). Mark is a wonderful daddy... I love looking at him cuddle little bun in his arms and cooing lovingly to him. I also like how he gets overly worried whenever little bun cries. Yes, I was right all along, I knew right from the start that this man not only would make an awesome husband, but he would also be a #1 dad. I am just sad that it took me/us so long to prove the latter, and that my Angels didn't get to experience it.

Many times, I have caught myself staring and smiling idiotically while looking at my son's sleeping face... I don't think I will ever get tired of looking at him and inhaling his unique scent (no, not poop related). I have also told him countless times since his birth that I will love him and protect him for as long as I live, and that he's got Angels watching over him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations 2 u all! Am so glad everythn turnd out great 4 u.
Am prayn that little bun will be the greatest joy ever! May he bring out the best in his mom n dad. And who knows, a sibling or two.
Thanks 4 keepn us in th kno. Enjoy motherhood