Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Little Bun is 3 Weeks Old!!

Little bun is 3 weeks old today!!

He is really growing bigger and stronger right before my eyes. I have been taking photos of him daily and when I look at the photos of him that were taken when he was born, he already looks pretty different! One big difference is that he is a lot less fragile and is rather sturdy now.. The other thing I can now confirm is he has dimples like me, but the double eyelid part is yet to be confirmed. Doesn't seem like it from looks of it.. just like his daddy! Although his sight is still limited, his eye movements are now alert and follows the lights.

Behaviour wise, he seems to be settling down in our family and is getting a good hang of which buttons to push to get us to hold him! He is also feeding a whole lot more than 2 weeks ago. The other thing that Mark and I have noticed is he is one impatient little bun... when he wants his milk, he only allows me all of 5 seconds to 'get ready' before he goes into full force brawling. Mark says he got his impatience from me, and unfortunately, I have to agree cos between the both of us, Mark is more laidback (sometimes to the extent of what I'd refer to as 'slack').

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