Monday, October 31, 2011

I am blogging less than I want to, but it is not because I have nothing to write about. On the contrary, I have SO much that I want to write about on my new experience as as a mother but taking care of little bun is really a full time job. When he's awake, there's a lot of diaper changing, bonding and feeding to do, and when he is asleep, I use the window to shower, eat, catch forty winks and/or do some housework.

I have since learnt that as part and parcel of motherhood, you not only learn to survive on minimal sleep, you also learn to finish your meals really fast, long showers are a thing of the past, toilet breaks must be carefully planned and timed, and watching your favourite TV show uninterrupted is unheard of. Thankfully Mark is a very hands-on daddy and I am so glad he is able to share the load with me. As a matter of fact, I think he does a much better job than I do in coaxing little bun to sleep (it involved a long session of singing plus dancing/twirling... the latter two I refuse to partake in). Mark will be going back to work on Wednesday and I know that I will miss his help and presence... it's just good knowing that he is in the house with me.
My precious sleeping child...

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