Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gestational Diabetes

I received not so good news from Dr Anu on the results of my Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT). I have developed gestational diabetes and clearly, it is a real cause of concern, in addition to the multitude of other problems I have. Natually, my medical bill is set to sky rocket even further.

Got to admit that I wasn't really surprised when Dr Anu broke the news to me... I guess it is because I have been aware for years that I am predisposed to diabetes since I have first degree relatives (i.e. mom and sis) who have diabetes. Besides, I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which is another risk factor. Recently, I had been experiencing extreme thirst, frequent urination, low energy levels and fatique, which I had put down to changes in my body due to pregnancy, but apparently it's not.

Dr Anu made an appointment for me to see the endocrinologist (aka doctor specialising in diabetes) tomorrow. She's already prepped me briefly on what is in store for me... Measuring my blood sugar level a few times daily (involves pricking my finger for a drop of blood) **swoon**; monitoring of diet (cutting down of carbohydrates) **gasp of horror** I loooove my pasta/ rice/ noodles/ potatos; no more fruit juices and fizzy drinks (Adios, Sprite/ Coke/ Florida orange juice). Good thing I don't have a sweet tooth and not into chocolates... I have to give lollies a miss too. Guess I'd also be prescribed with Metformin, an anti-diabetic drug.

If all these basic measures don't work, then it'd mean (more) injections for me... Insuline jabs to be exact. **Sighhhh** I am taking it all in with a positive mindset. I don't care how much pain I have to go through physically, so long as little bun is fine. I have long learnt that physical pain is in no way comparable to emotional pain, and I'd take physical pain over emotional pain anytime.

On a more cheerful note, little bun is fine, and the condition of my cervix is still good (i.e. closed and no funneling). Am just happy and contented with the little blessings in my life...

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