Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy 8th Wedding Anniversary

I was scheduled to have my C-section today and it also marks my 8th wedding anniversary. Since we were given 2 date choices, the 21st and 24th, I naturally opted for the former since this date is special to Mark and I. Unbeknownst to us, little bun had plans of his own, which is just as well. While we were contemplating the mode of delivery initially, we agreed that we'd schedule the C-section on the 21st, but if Little Bun decides to come before then, we'd go with natural delivery. My little boy decided for us and arrived on the 18th! Guess he wanted to do things naturally.

Now that I have gone through natural delivery for a full term baby, I have no regrets whatsoever. I guess the state of mind plays a very important role. When I delivered Chloe naturally, I felt that the physical pain was a lot worse although Chloe was a whole lot smaller than Little Bun since she is preterm (her birth weight was only a third of Little Bun's). I suppose it's because not only was I dealing with the physical pain then, I was also going through worse pain mentally and emotionally. With Little Bun, I knew that I'd have a baby in my arms at the end of all the pain, hence it'd all be worth it.

Before you were conceived, I wanted you dearly.
Before I laid eyes on you, I loved you madly.
Before you were born, I'd die for you gladly.
This is the miracle of a Mother's love.


Darling Hubby Mark,

Happy 8th Wedding Anniversary! No words can describe how blessed and happy I feel now that we can finally have a real celebration without tears. Ever since the day we lost Lucas, no special occasion had been the same. For the past 3.5years, we haven't had a true celebration for any of our birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, Father's/ Mother's Day, etc.
Although we can't go out to have a nice dinner this year (and this is the first time I didn't even get you a card!!), I am sure you'll agree with me that we are having the best ever celebration at home with Little Bun. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world!

I love you, Darling... Thank you for giving me the most precious gift of all, and for holding my hands and walking this very rough and rocky road towards parenthood. It is not without loss/es, sacrifices, pain and tears, but yes, we finally did it!
Loving You Always,

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