Friday, October 14, 2011

Unlock #1 - Let the the Countdown Begin

This is the first of my 'Unlock' series of posts because I want to keep it hidden until after little bun arrives safely.

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Other than being Chloe's 2nd Birthday, today is also exactly 1 week from when I am tentatively booked for my scheduled C-section. Yup, we have booked the C-section on next Friday, 21 Oct. Dr Anu proposed 3 dates - 21st, 24th and 25th. However while going through the availabilty of the Operating Theatres, both 24th and 25th appeared are rather full. Dr Anu said that if we prefer 24th or 25th, she'd be happy to beg one of her colleagues to swap/change their slots, but Mark didn't want to impose on her and frankly, we do not have any preferred dates in mind. Hence, the 21st it is!

Coincidentally, 21st Oct is also an extremely special day for Mark and I. It marks the day I officially became 'Mrs Lee'.. Yup, 21st Oct is our 8th Wedding Anniversary!!

Naturally things can change anytime because little bun may decided to take things in his/her own hands and decide to come early. Whatever it is, I will be grateful as long as my baby is healthy and normal.

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