Friday, April 1, 2011

When Mark saw the photos that I took of Rynnae and Hershey, he was very concerned that Hershey will be too rough for Rynnae and inevitably end up injuring/ hurting her. However when he saw for himself last night how much Hershey adored Rynnae and how she only wants to kiss her, he didn't have the heart to scold Hershey. It's odd how Hershey has taken to Rynnae. I got a nagging suspicion that Hershey thinks Rynnae belongs to her and has taken it upon herself to be her 'protector'... This morning, when Hershey jumped onto the bed and gave Rynnae a 'face wash', I tried pushing her away and that silly dog actually gave me a low growl!!! When the door to Rynnae's room is closed, Hershey will wait outside mournfully and dash in at any chance she gets. Weird dog...

Rynnae will be going home tomorrow and I am sure other than Mark and I, a little black and white dog will miss her a lot.

At least for the past few days with Rynnae here, it keeps me busy and distracted enough to stop worrying about my appointment with Dr Anu next Tue. I just cannot shake off the feeling that I will get bad news... Sometimes when enough bad things have happened to one, it doesn't have to take a lot to waver your confidence and logical thinking.

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