Thursday, April 14, 2011

I feel guilty cos I feel that I am slacking off blogging. Didn't blog on Tuesday because I went for my TCM appointment and then popped by my parents place to spend some time with them (and Huskee) and also stayed for a yummy home-cooked dinner. Yesterday an ex-client of mine happened to be in Singapore and asked me out for a drink, so I went. It was then followed by a long overdue dinner with a group of girlfriends whom I have known for 17 years. Didn't feel like it's already been 17 years, where did the time go? We meet only like once (at max twice) a year because everyone is busy with their own lives... some are busy with work, some busy with their kids, some are constantly travelling, etc.

Catching up on each other's life was fun... gossiping was fun... reminiscing on the good old days was fun. I expected that over the course of the night, someone would comment about my weight gain/ belly bump, so I made a conscious effort to cover up with a giant black cardigan. Fortunately no one said anything. I am guessing even if anyone noticed, they wouldn't have said anything because all the girls know about the miscarriages I have had and were tactful not to bring it up. Actually although 2 of them have kids, they avoided mentioning them throughout the night.

It's interesting (and sad) to learn that as we age, each of us are all handling different life challenges of our own. One is battling to save her crumbling marriage, another is having an ongoing struggle with her in-laws, etc, one had recently divorced... and then of course there is me with my baby woes. So sad...

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