Friday, April 29, 2011

People who know me well and long enough know that I am usually very prone to getting headaches or migraines. The strange thing is I was totally free from headaches and migraines when I was pregnant with Lucas and Chloe, hence I was rather confident that it'd be the same thing this time round, but apparently it isn't so.

Last night after a take-out dinner, I had a massive MSG-induced headache that went from a nagging ache to a full blown nausea inducing headache within the span of 2 hours. (I know it was MSG-induced because based on 'experience', my usual headaches and migraines start from the moment I wake up and the degree of pain remains somewhat constant throughout the day. MSG-induced headaches can start from anytime of the day, usually after a meal of course, and the pain intensifies within a short period.)

By 10.30pm, I was writhing in pain and the throbbing only progressively worsen with each passing minute. Mark tried to relieve my agony by massaging the back of my neck and my temples, which unfortunately only aggravated the throbbing. I naively thought that I could try to sleep the pain away, but it only got worse. By 11.30pm, I was quite ready to bash my head into the wall. Eventually, I gave in to the urge to throw up and out came most of my dinner. It was a huge relief for me because I felt soooooo much better afterwards.

It was definitely the worst headache I have had in a looooong time, and I hope it would be a loooooong time before I feel that way again. For the record, I am going to ban that store where we got our dinner from.

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