Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rynnae stays over

I have always assumed that MY baby will be the first infant to stay in the nursery that Mark and I have prepared long ago (although it currently doubles up as my ironing room/ Mark's game room/ guest room). It was a rather spur of the moment kind of arrangement, but we kidnapped Rynnae (ok, and her mom too) and she will be staying over with us till the weekend. This makes her the first baby to stay in the nursery.

Both Mark and I are besotted with her... she's now a lot more active and alert of her surroundings. Rynnae also found a new best friend -- Hershey! I was very surprised at how much Hershey adores Rynnae and how she finds every opportunity to sneak kisses on Rynnae. For some reason, Hershey always aims for Rynnae's ears. I have always wanted my baby to grow up in the company of my dogs, so looking at Rynnae and Hershey together makes me happy... although there is also a pang of sadness. I wonder if Hershey would get along as well with Lucas and Chloe. Hmmmm...

(Note: All the below pics are not 'posed'. I was sitting next to Rynnae keeping an eye on her and snapping away while Hershey did her thing.)

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