Thursday, April 28, 2011

IVIG (#2)

I went for my second round of IVIG and the infusion took slightly longer than the first time. A whole hour to be exact, but it's no big deal cos I have nothing to do anyway. It's just that being 'trapped' in that same chair for five whole hours can be quite a pain. Acutally it kind of reminds me of being in a plane, but the only difference is for this, when I go to the toilet, I need to drag the whole IV stand in with me... Oh yes, and I can only use one hand cos the other hand has the needle inserted and is all tangled up with the tubes. Fun times.

** Mental note to self: Wear a skirt or dress the next time.

I took a cab home and 3 minutes away from the entrance of my destination, the cab I was in very nearly had a bad accident with another car!! I was totally shaken up, as was the cabbie... I am usually not an advocate of cabbies because I personally think that many of them are road hazards. In this instance though, I am on the cabbie's side. The other driver of that bl**dy flashy and expensive car was simply being reckless!!! I am glad other than frayed nerves and a near heart attack, there was no serious damage. I was being very stupid too cos I didn't wear the seatbelt... my excuse was 'it's only a short ride'. I promised myself that I'd never take it for granted again, and will always wear a seatbelt no matter how short the ride is going to be.

When I recounted the incident to Mark after I got home, he told me that it must have been our Angel who are watching over me and little bun, and they ensured that we got away unscathed. Thank you, my darling Angels... I love you so, so much.

(Uh oh.. I don't think I told Mark the part where I wasn't wearing the seatbelt... guess I'll be in for a lecture when he gets home tonight.)

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