Monday, April 11, 2011

Another 4 days till my appointment with Dr Anu. During the past few appoinetments with Dr Anu, she asked me if I am experiencing any symptoms.. nausea, food cravings, etc. This Friday I think I can finally report my symptom to her. In the past week or so, I have noticed that 'chronic fatique' has set in. I can spend most of the day in bed, whether asleep or awake. Just take yesterday for instance... I woke up at 8am, had breakfast with Mark and then promptly fell asleep again from 10am-11.30am. In the afternoon, Mark met his cousin for an early happy hour and while he was out, I fell asleep, yes, again. This time from 3pm-5pm.

These sleepy episodes remind me of the time when I was expecting Chloe. My main symptom then, other than craving for durians, was sleepiness!! It's a good thing I am not craving for durians this time because last time it resulted in episodes of nose bleeds.

I am happy that my weight is gradually increasing. Pre-pregnancy I was at 56.4kg, and now when I weigh myself first thing in the morning, my weight is hovering around 57.8kg. Most of it is due to water retention and increased blood volume. Little bun was barely 2cm long when Dr Anu last measured it and it should weigh no more than 2 grams, so I can't say that it attributed to my weight increase!

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