Friday, March 4, 2011

Recently, I have been complaining to Mark that he doesn't spend enough quality time with me... During the day, I try to leave him in peace since he is at work cos I don't want to be a distraction. When he comes home at night however, he spends most of the 3 hours before bedtime either gazing at his iPhone, iPad and/ or MacBook Air. He is always fully engrossed and totally lost in his own little techy world. I have made a conscious effort not to appear too 'needy' or whinge too much cos I don't want to sound like a 'housewife', but it is hard because since I am alone at home all day, I have no one to talk to. Hence when Mark comes home, I get excited cos I've got company.. and there's someone to talk to, but when it doesn't happen, I get annoyed and then an argument will ensue.

Gosh... hope I am not turning into a desperate attention-seeker. Maybe I need to channel and focus all my energy on my new hobby (baking) instead of getting upset over frivolous stuff.

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