Wednesday, March 16, 2011

'Flicker' of Hope

Yup!! We caught a glimpse of my little 'bun' and saw the all important 'flicker' (i.e. heartbeat)!! Actually I had a heart-stopping moment when the scan was done cos I couldn't see the flicker despite the doctor pointing it out to me. Fortunately Mark saw it almost immediately and when I eventually spotted it, I breathed a long sigh of relief. Mark is getting pretty good at analyzing ultrasound scans, I must say.

An appointment with the hematologist has been lined up for next week, and I have been prescribed with a daily injectable dosage of the drug Heparin, which is essentially a blood thinner. My next meeting with little 'bun' won't be until the 25th... Gosh, I already know what I will be doing from now till then. I am sure I will be on my back a lot, and constantly worrying and worrying...

The next few days will be very hectic while we prepare for the brother-in-law's wedding, but I have made a promise to Mark that I will rest and not tire myself out. I will also sit/ lay down as much as I can. I don't think I'd have any problems with keeping those promises because nausea has hit me rather hard since last Saturday and I have been struggling to keep my food down. I love my symptoms!

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