Wednesday, March 30, 2011

IVIG (#1)

I spent a good 4 hours lying in hospital this morning having an intravenous immunoglobulin drip at the advice and recommendation of the haematologist. It's a long story, in summary, this IVIG is supposed to help stablise pregnancies. On top of that, from one of the numerous blood tests that I have done previously, my NK cells (Natural Killer cells) are bordering on the high side (which can lead to early miscarriages). Hence, as a precautionary measure, the doctor recommended this form of treatment.

The only downside to IVIG, other than the known side effects, is that it is expensive... DAMN freaking expensive to be exact. One round of this costs SGD$2,400, and I need to do 3 rounds of it. Naturally this is a (HUGE) concern for me because we are a single-income family now!! In the past when I was still working, this wouldn't be so much of a worry because Mark and I earn a very good combined income, but now that Mark is the sole breadwinner, all the burden falls onto his shoulders.

In hindsight, I should have asked them to do an ultrasound scan for me prior to doing the IVIG... well, just to make sure that my little 'bun' is still baking and the heartbeat is still there. I know this sounds awfully pessimistic... of course I want everything to be smooth and on track, but after going through all those disappointments, I can't help but feel cautious and jaded.

There's still too many days to go before my next appointment with Dr Anu. I know for sure that from now till then, I will be fretting and continue having disrupted sleeps every night. Another thing... I am somewhat convinced that my nausea is 'self-induced' due to my over-worrying rather than pregnancy hormones... hmmmm....

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