Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weekday = Office Work, Weekend = Housework

Woke up to a dull and rainy day... I don't mind it one bit cos that's how I like it anyway. It is nice and cool for a change, instead of the usual unbearable heat and humidity. Moreover, it complements perfectly with how I have been feeling lately... i.e. depressing, disconsolate and miserable. A good night of sleep has also been evading me for the past couple of nights and it can be pretty annoying.

There are heaps of errands to run today and it is a busy day ahead... the air-con servicing people are coming over in the morning, clean the house after they leave, polish the parquet floor in the bedroom, send Huskee to the groomer, do grocery shopping for next week, iron clothes (if possible), go over to mom's place for dinner... Initially intended to wash a load of clothes but since the weather doesn't permit, I guess I'd have to wait and see if tomorrow will bring some sunshine.

I find it feeble how I wait all week for the weekend to come, and when it is finally here, I spend it doing housework and running errands... and before I know it, the weekend is over. Is this what my life is all about?

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