Sunday, March 7, 2010

Happy 12th Year Anniversary

07 Mar 2010 is a day of much significance for Mark and I.

On this day 12 years ago, on a chilly night in early Aussie autumn, Mark and I officially became a couple after he held my hands for the first time on the pretext of leading me across a road. We were on the way back to our hostel after a group date with a bunch of friends to the Moomba Festival in Melbourne. The interesting thing to note is that there are no cars on that stretch of road that Mark led me across because that road was closed to traffic for the festival!! It was pretty funny but I allowed him to contiue to hold my hand anyway. This day in 1998 marked our future together.

On this very same day 2 years ago, Lucas was conceived. I recalled that I returned home from a business trip from Tokyo on that day and I forgot to buy an anniversary present for Mark. He bought me a matching set of Tiffany necklace and bracelet for our 10th year anniversary, and the necklace has 10 silver hearts, each one representing the number of years we had been together. I was mortified and totally guilty for not getting him anything, and promised that I'd make it up to him. Little did I expect that I'd give him a son on that day, our firstborn, our priceless treasure.

For our 12th year anniversary this year, Mark gave me a beautiful pair of earrings from Tiffany while I bought him an Agnes b laptop bag from Tokyo.

I love my present and I think Mark likes the bag too cos he is already using it. However, deep inside my heart, I know that Mark will be so much happier if the babies I had given him didn't become angels. I know that I will be so much happier if the present I give to my husband is not bought with money, but instead, it'd be something priceless that is made with love and created by the two of us.

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