Friday, March 12, 2010

London Sightseeing

My period came yesterday, which clearly confirms that conception did not happen this month. It did come 'right on schedule' though and good thing I was prepared for it... I can't say that I am not overly disappointed about it although I shouldn't be surprised since there is only a 25% chance of succcess. This feeling of 'failure' is a bummer, and like a wet blanket but what else can I do about it except to grit my teeth and trudge on. It's quite miserable to be away from home during this time because a hug and having a shoulder to cry will be nice.

Thankfully today is my last day in London after a very packed and intense week of meetings. My colleague and I had a few hours of free time last evening and we went to do a spot of sightseeing... He studied in London years back and was my guide around town. We visited Oxford Street, Big Ben, Trafalgar Sqaure, Piccadilly Circus, The Houses of Parliament, London Eye (and I cannot remember what else). I will definitely come back here again one day for leisure. I love the architecture of all the old buildings. Each and every one of them seems to have its own story to tell and it'd be nice to be able to spend more time to explore. I didn't get a chance to check out the Tower Bridge and many other places so definitely need to come back (hopefully on business class!!).

It's only 4am now but I cannot force myself to sleep anymore. My head is throbbing (again!!) but I am not sure what is the cause of it this time... it could have been the consecutive nights of insufficent sleep, or my period, or possibly a hangover (had a few drinks at the hotel bar with my colleagues). Hopefully it'd clear without me having to take any painkillers. Urghhh...

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